Elvish Factions

Elves, in this setting, belong to one of two factions: the elves of the Ladysforest or the "Wild Elves".
The Ladysforest: The borders of the Ladysforest vary with the Lady's whims. It is found between Lyonya on the west and Prealith to the east. The realm stays south of the Honnorgat River and north of the Dwarfmounts. The Lady is the undisputed mistress of the elvenhome and it is her magic that created it and maintains it. Non-elves enter or wander at considerable peril. Within its boundaries, elves and the environment seem more magical and... elvish.
Given these conditions, it is no wonder that the Lady commands considerable loyalty from the vast majority of her elves. Those elves do range in their attitudes towards other races, especially humans, and interactions with the outside world. Generally, these factions range from desiring considerable contact with the outside world and encouraging interaction with humans to wishing to close the Ladysforest off to outsiders as the other races, especially humans, cannot be trusted.
Elves of the Ladysforest have a variety of classes open to them. Elves wielding arcane powers are illusionists, not wizards. Elvish clerics are found advancing the interests of all the elven gods (not any outside ones). Elves may be found in the Ladysforest or wandering the world who are fighters or rogues (the latter being careful to practice their craft only outside the Ladysforest). Elvish minstrels (low bards) recount the stories and songs of the elven people and the wider world. Elvish druids and rangers both maintain and protect the taig of the Ladysforest and Lyonya. Finally, a band of elite elven knights help to guard the Lady and her people. Ladysforest elves who are clerics or druids are rarely seen outside the Ladysforest; elvish rangers and knights are never seen outside of the Ladysforest or Lyonya unless on a mission for the Lady. Wandering or adventuring elves from the Ladysforest are almost certainly to be fighters, rogues or minstrels/low bards. These elves may or may not belong to factions for these classes (e.g. the thieves' guilds noted elsewhere). They have more chance to be 'independent operators' than their human counterparts.
Ladysforest elves may not be: assassins, high bards, monks, paladins, nor wizards.
The Wild Elves: Non-elves tend to be unaware of the 'Wild Elves' wandering among them. 'Wild Elves' tend to not identify themselves and non-elves presume they are elves from the Ladysforest. 'Wild Elves' are more accurately referred to as 'Unconfined by an Elvenhome' Elves'; these are elves who choose not to be part of the Ladysforest nor accept the authority of the Lady. 'Wild Elves' have not shared their reasons for living apart from their cousins. Note: Elven player characters are rare. In Prealith, adventuring elves are more likely to be Wild Elves rather than from the Ladysforest (though there is the odd elven minstrel or rogue from the Ladysforest - wandering fighters from the Ladysforest tend to travel to Aarenis to seek adventure or to the west for exciting new lands).
Wild Elves have a few smaller settlements inland in Prealith. The locations are kept from common knowledge though trusted merchants and friends of the settlement are allowed to freely come and go. Note: the player will not know the location nor secrets of the Wild Elves because the character would not divulge them to any one outside the settlement's population (though such knowledge may come to light once the rest of the party's characters 'prove' themselves to the Wild Elves or discover that knowledge for themselves).
Wild Elves have a variety of classes open to them. Like their cousins, arcane elves are illusionists. Wild Elf clerics and druids may be found outside their communities; but stay within southern Prealith (the further north, the more Kuakgans will be encountered). Wild Elves are not as hostile to Kuakgan as their Ladysforest brethren can be; but, relations will be tense with any Kuakgan encountered. Likewise, Wild Elf rangers can be found throughout Prealith; but an Ice People ranger cannot belong to the same group (again, not hostile but trust will be impossible). Wild Elf fighters, minstrels, and rogues can be found throughout Prealith. For all of these classes, the Wild Elf character owes his or her true loyalty to their home village and clan and not any other group. Adventuring Wild Elves are encouraged to find new knowledge, rediscover artifacts, ... and share these resources with their home village and clan. Wild Elf rangers may not be Royal Rangers.
Wild Elves may not be assassins, high bards, knights, monks, paladins, nor wizards.
The Ladysforest: The borders of the Ladysforest vary with the Lady's whims. It is found between Lyonya on the west and Prealith to the east. The realm stays south of the Honnorgat River and north of the Dwarfmounts. The Lady is the undisputed mistress of the elvenhome and it is her magic that created it and maintains it. Non-elves enter or wander at considerable peril. Within its boundaries, elves and the environment seem more magical and... elvish.
Given these conditions, it is no wonder that the Lady commands considerable loyalty from the vast majority of her elves. Those elves do range in their attitudes towards other races, especially humans, and interactions with the outside world. Generally, these factions range from desiring considerable contact with the outside world and encouraging interaction with humans to wishing to close the Ladysforest off to outsiders as the other races, especially humans, cannot be trusted.
Elves of the Ladysforest have a variety of classes open to them. Elves wielding arcane powers are illusionists, not wizards. Elvish clerics are found advancing the interests of all the elven gods (not any outside ones). Elves may be found in the Ladysforest or wandering the world who are fighters or rogues (the latter being careful to practice their craft only outside the Ladysforest). Elvish minstrels (low bards) recount the stories and songs of the elven people and the wider world. Elvish druids and rangers both maintain and protect the taig of the Ladysforest and Lyonya. Finally, a band of elite elven knights help to guard the Lady and her people. Ladysforest elves who are clerics or druids are rarely seen outside the Ladysforest; elvish rangers and knights are never seen outside of the Ladysforest or Lyonya unless on a mission for the Lady. Wandering or adventuring elves from the Ladysforest are almost certainly to be fighters, rogues or minstrels/low bards. These elves may or may not belong to factions for these classes (e.g. the thieves' guilds noted elsewhere). They have more chance to be 'independent operators' than their human counterparts.
Ladysforest elves may not be: assassins, high bards, monks, paladins, nor wizards.
The Wild Elves: Non-elves tend to be unaware of the 'Wild Elves' wandering among them. 'Wild Elves' tend to not identify themselves and non-elves presume they are elves from the Ladysforest. 'Wild Elves' are more accurately referred to as 'Unconfined by an Elvenhome' Elves'; these are elves who choose not to be part of the Ladysforest nor accept the authority of the Lady. 'Wild Elves' have not shared their reasons for living apart from their cousins. Note: Elven player characters are rare. In Prealith, adventuring elves are more likely to be Wild Elves rather than from the Ladysforest (though there is the odd elven minstrel or rogue from the Ladysforest - wandering fighters from the Ladysforest tend to travel to Aarenis to seek adventure or to the west for exciting new lands).
Wild Elves have a few smaller settlements inland in Prealith. The locations are kept from common knowledge though trusted merchants and friends of the settlement are allowed to freely come and go. Note: the player will not know the location nor secrets of the Wild Elves because the character would not divulge them to any one outside the settlement's population (though such knowledge may come to light once the rest of the party's characters 'prove' themselves to the Wild Elves or discover that knowledge for themselves).
Wild Elves have a variety of classes open to them. Like their cousins, arcane elves are illusionists. Wild Elf clerics and druids may be found outside their communities; but stay within southern Prealith (the further north, the more Kuakgans will be encountered). Wild Elves are not as hostile to Kuakgan as their Ladysforest brethren can be; but, relations will be tense with any Kuakgan encountered. Likewise, Wild Elf rangers can be found throughout Prealith; but an Ice People ranger cannot belong to the same group (again, not hostile but trust will be impossible). Wild Elf fighters, minstrels, and rogues can be found throughout Prealith. For all of these classes, the Wild Elf character owes his or her true loyalty to their home village and clan and not any other group. Adventuring Wild Elves are encouraged to find new knowledge, rediscover artifacts, ... and share these resources with their home village and clan. Wild Elf rangers may not be Royal Rangers.
Wild Elves may not be assassins, high bards, knights, monks, paladins, nor wizards.