
Illusionists not only create illusions but are able to alter reality. This branch of magic is the exclusive domain of elves.
There is a very limited amount of information outside of elven realms about factions and organizations for illusionists. It is believed that the Ladysforest has an illusionist guild ... maybe. Outside the Ladysforest, it is thought that illusionists are solitary practitioners with limited interaction with each other. However, since they can bend reality to their will, no one is quite sure if that belief is correct.
There is a very limited amount of information outside of elven realms about factions and organizations for illusionists. It is believed that the Ladysforest has an illusionist guild ... maybe. Outside the Ladysforest, it is thought that illusionists are solitary practitioners with limited interaction with each other. However, since they can bend reality to their will, no one is quite sure if that belief is correct.